To all you wonderful pet owners out there, we will do our best to protect you.
When your animals are well fed and well cared for they will do their part to take care of you. Sometimes I wish they would not do that, one cat in particular put his life on the line to let us know that a snake was near by. Turned out to be a rattle snake and my fear was that our cat was going to be bitten. Another cat did the same thing with a water moccasin in Texas, he also wanted to be the brave one of the family and pointed out where the snake was hiding. That snake scared me so badly and I loved my cat so I threw my keys in the direction of the snake to scare the cat away. That worked and my husband had to shoot the snake because it was so close to the house and our children were playing outside. Animals that love you, choosing to protect you from other animals. Interesting.
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