My primary staff member, known as mom gave me this story.
Many years ago we had a cat named "Mickey", Mickey and his sister "Toots" lived happily with us. From time to time one of them would do something with that human touch. You know what I mean, all of a sudden we realize that this animal has more brains than we thought. Thinking something through and acting on it. Well close enough. Now many a dog fancier would question this, a cat able to think through a situation. No way? Well I am here to tell you they do from time to time. They surprise me an avid cat lover. Here is how this played out, I was alone in the house (figures, no witnesses) and a fly was buzzing around just annoying me. Mickey starts watching the fly, round and round this bloomin fly is going around the room. Than it lands on the wall close to Mickey, he looks over at me and I could swear he smiled. You know the smile, one corner of his mouth curls up. He turned and quickly jumped up the wall, put both paws flat against the fly and slid them down the wall. He did what? He caught the fly! Now, he turns to me again with the same smile and a captured fly only to cautiously lift a paw and watch the fly escape. By now I am bug eyed laughing and Mickey is just disappointed. Tell me some thought didn’t play into his actions.
More cat stories, why because I am waiting for you the reader to contribute you animal stories. Hurry, you can stop me any time now.
We had a lot of cats when we were living out in the country. It started with two and just grew from there. However it was not always our doing. One of our cats, named Charlie really felt that he had the best house to live at so he brought home other cats to share in the good life. Plus we had cat food out in dog feeders on our back patio. It wasn’t like it was exposed for all kitty eyes to see, but the word got out. Every once in a while we would look out to see a new kitty eating at the feeder. We always knew it was Charlie’s doing because we had seen him escorting other cats across the street. So we just bought a lot of dried cat food and kept every cat in the neighborhood happy. Surprisingly they would just stop by for a snack once in a while, they never over stayed their welcome. However one time when my husband came through the patio gate he saw something unusual at the feeders, doesn’t even look like a cat. This time Charlie had escorted a possum home to enjoy in the bounty.
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