At last a contributor story, thank you, thank you.
The owner of two good size dogs had come home early from work to take them both to the vet for routine exams. It can be a bit daunting with just one dog going to the vet much less two, so she needed a little preparation time. We all know how that can be, get the car ready, grab leashes and so on. Than the process of getting both dogs in the car as willing participants. So the first thing she did was go outside to check on the dogs on the back deck and what does she see but a half decapitated mouse.
She has dogs, not cats so no telling how this poor defenseless mouse got into so much trouble. However she absolutely hates mice, would rather scream and run than have to deal with the situation. So logic takes over and out comes a shovel, lift and chuck the poor mouse out in the field behind their house. Well lift happened but the mouse ended up in her vegetable garden which would never do, so one more lift required. This time the take off was successful and the mouse was launched skyward only to land in the neighbors tree.
There it hangs, draped gracefully over a tree limb. We are hoping for a stiff wind to knock it down, than the neighbor can have a go at it.
The owner of two good size dogs had come home early from work to take them both to the vet for routine exams. It can be a bit daunting with just one dog going to the vet much less two, so she needed a little preparation time. We all know how that can be, get the car ready, grab leashes and so on. Than the process of getting both dogs in the car as willing participants. So the first thing she did was go outside to check on the dogs on the back deck and what does she see but a half decapitated mouse.
She has dogs, not cats so no telling how this poor defenseless mouse got into so much trouble. However she absolutely hates mice, would rather scream and run than have to deal with the situation. So logic takes over and out comes a shovel, lift and chuck the poor mouse out in the field behind their house. Well lift happened but the mouse ended up in her vegetable garden which would never do, so one more lift required. This time the take off was successful and the mouse was launched skyward only to land in the neighbors tree.
There it hangs, draped gracefully over a tree limb. We are hoping for a stiff wind to knock it down, than the neighbor can have a go at it.
Contributed by: Gail McIntrye
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