Tuesday, February 23, 2010

A cat of habits

I can't help myself

 I have to tell you a little story about Marty the cat in this blog and myself.  I often get up during the night to use the restroom and Marty has noticed this, he has quite a memory and seems to remember the exact time.  Evidently I have been getting up around 4 am, but if I sleep through that time he has taken it upon himself to wake me up.  He will chipper and that often wakes me like a child will wake a parent, at first I thought he was asking for his breakfast early and told him to knock it off but since I was awake I would go use the bathroom and Marty would accompany me like always.  I would go back to bed and he would also, I found that odd but didn't think much of it.  By day three I realized that Marty had taken it upon himself to make sure that I got up and went to the restroom and that was all he wanted.  For the love of Pete my sweet cat has been taking care of me in the only way he knew how. I guess I don't mind, I find it rather touching and thought I might pass it along. 


Ginny your blog owner

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