Primroses are not going to be for the squirrels this time. My friend Gail had been shopping and found some gorgeous primroses a couple weeks ago and just could not pass them up. She wanted to pot them and put them out on the deck in the back where they could see them and enjoy them every day. The only problem all the pine trees around the deck house numerous squirrels who will think the primroses have been put there for them to eat. That is not the plan at all, but Gail knows exactly what to do! Put mothballs around the planter and that will stop the squirrels in their tracks, they can not stand the smell of mothballs, they won’t even get close to the planter. They get a disgusted look on their face and march right off the deck and go up the pine tree without getting a nibble of any of the pretty primrose flowers.

Story contributed by: Gail McIntrye
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