Driving to work one morning along our two lane country road I see a few cows in the pasture. Nothing new about that. I find it to be a peaceful scene every morning, relaxing and it gives me a moment of joy. I am thankful that I live far enough out of the city to enjoy the peace and quiet of the country.
This particular morning something caught me eye. A calf running between two cows, like he could not decide for the life of him who he wanted to be with. But I had it figured out right off the bat, his mom had that look, head cocked to one side like kid you better come here right now and stop messing with me. The calf had that, ahhh mom I'm just playing and she is a nice cow too. So he danced between the two cows for a bit, all the while I am sitting at a red light hoping I get to see how this plays out.
I am chuckling watching this, thinking to myself that mom cow must have some feelings in this, she is looking rather upset. The other bystander cow is just there thinking who knows what. Finally, the youngster goes to his mom and stays there. The light turns green and I breathe a sigh of relief hoping that the cows have reached some kind of an agreement.
Ginny Hansen
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