Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Well tweet to you too!

Glad those two are in a cage.


I had dinner last night with a good friend of mine and she tells me that she had gotten a couple of parakeets given to her and all the funny things that have happened since then. One adventure after another with these two little birds. She cracked me up, I just have to share these with you. And, I had just asked her if she had any funny stories to add to the blog. Nope, can’t think of a thing.

These two little birds really take care of each other, clean one another, guess you call that preening each other, talk a bit and share their perch. Then one of them simply picked up his leg and shoved the other to the side. Guess he/she had had enough for a while. Pushed the other one to the other side of the perch and in his or her way told him to be quiet and just leave me alone.  Bird temper, hmmm.


Contributed by:  Barbara Manganello

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

This was a Mell of a Hess

Paper bags straps don't fit over my head, thank heaven's


Here's a little story about our cat, Ace. Ace has been gone for several years, but we still laugh at his many antics.

Thanks to my husband, our cats always had access to the outside through a swinging Plexiglas window. They jumped to a landing, through the window to another landing and down to the second-story deck, then down a "cat walk" to a lower deck and finally to the ground. Ace and his sister, Nerf, did this many times a day.

Ace loved bags and would always crawl into an empty one that he happened to find. On the day of Ace's big adventure I had emptied a large Macy's shopping bag with sturdy twine handles and just hadn't put it away.

Well, I hadn't seen Ace for a couple of hours and went looking for him and calling to him--no luck.

Then I noticed the Macy's bag next to the cat launch pad with one handle and a piece of the bag missing. I realized that Ace must have gotten his head stuck in the handle and jumped through the window. That tore the bag and left this poor cat with a shopping bag handle necklace.

I began a frantic search and found our very embarrassed cat hiding under a car in the driveway. I finally coaxed him out and had to laugh at his pathetic state. We laughed a lot, but also realized he was very lucky that the shopping bag ripped and didn't leave Ace hanging on his flight out of the house.

Gail McIntrye

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Which Moo Cow is for Me

Don't make your mama mad


Driving to work one morning along our two lane country road I see a few cows in the pasture. Nothing new about that. I find it to be a peaceful scene every morning, relaxing and it gives me a moment of joy. I am thankful that I live far enough out of the city to enjoy the peace and quiet of the country.

This particular morning something caught me eye. A calf running between two cows, like he could not decide for the life of him who he wanted to be with. But I had it figured out right off the bat, his mom had that look, head cocked to one side like kid you better come here right now and stop messing with me. The calf had that, ahhh mom I'm just playing and she is a nice cow too. So he danced between the two cows for a bit, all the while I am sitting at a red light hoping I get to see how this plays out.

I am chuckling watching this, thinking to myself that mom cow must have some feelings in this, she is looking rather upset. The other bystander cow is just there thinking who knows what. Finally, the youngster goes to his mom and stays there. The light turns green and I breathe a sigh of relief hoping that the cows have reached some kind of an agreement.

Ginny Hansen

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Now that's a Quack of a Critic

Don't think your going to chase me around


We had moved to a rural area of Texas on six acres of land. When we moved we brought two cats with us, we survived the trip and I have to say that is something when you move with cats in a car.
What a fiasco.

To add to our menagerie a few weeks after we settled into the house I bought some baby ducks at our local feed store and hand raised them in our sun room. Oh my goodness that was a terrible job. Ducks are not tidy animals, I was always having to clean up after them but what did I expect? Potty trained ducks?

They grew quickly and were allowed to go out to our garden and eat the bugs, that is why I got them. My husband and I created a little pond if you can call it that,we cemented it in and did the best we could on limited funds and limited time. I was staying home for a period of time and had the TV on in our living room. All of a sudden I hear lots of quacking noises from behind me.

Our windows went almost to the floor and all the ducks had decided to sit there and watch TV with me from the outside, but they had to discuss everything. Quack, quack and more quacks. Two legged, television critics, with wings.

Ginny Hansen

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Fowl Turn

A Chicken or a Rooster she's gone astray


Finally something other than cats and dogs. While we were on the road as truckers we had made a breakfast stop at a little out of the way restaurant. We could park the truck there so it meant we were eating there. Sometimes trucker’s stop where they can, it does not guarantee that the restaurant has good food. If that were the case all truck stops would be fine eating establishments. That's not always the case, but they do try and that is very appreciated.

Anyway, we get out of the truck and head to the side door and out of no where comes a rooster that was not about to let us get in the door! He charges us, took the direct approach and than just looked at us. Mean and glaring. Suppose it didn’t help that we stood there laughing at him.

Never did find out what his problem was but others had experienced the same thing. One mad rooster……… Animals can be cranky too.

Ginny Hansen